spray tan prep

& aftercare

Before your spray tan

-Shower, shave, and exfoliate 24 hours prior to your appointment

-Manicures, pedicures, lash appointments, facials, etc. should be done at least 1-2 days prior to your appointment

-Shower no less than 24 hours before your session. There should be no products on your skin for your appointment. No lotion, deodorant, make-up, or fragrance (these act as a barrier)

-Absolutely no Dove, Olay, Bath & Body Works, Dial, Irish Spring, Victoria’s Secret, etc.!!

-Bring or wear loose fitting, dark colored clothing and open toed shoes. No jeans, leggings, tight shoes.

Yes products!

no products!

anything free of:

parabens, sulfates, phthalates, mineral oil, alcohol, and heavy fragrances is considered a spray tan friendly product

After your spray tan

-After your appointment, refrain from getting wet or heavily sweating

-Avoid touching your skin until your first initial rinse to avoid palm discoloration

-Rinse at the designated time that was given! Rinse with lukewarm water and DO NOT use soap, wash hair, or shave

-After showering, pat yourself dry gently

-Moisturize after your first rinse and once or twice a day after to maintain a healthy looking tan

-Be gentle with your skin. No harsh soaps, exfoliants or heavy alcohol based products